Find all positive integer $n$ that satisfy $ n^{2019} \equiv 7 \pmod{2019}$ where $1<n<2019$

modular arithmeticnumber theory

Find all positive integer $n$ that satisfy$ \ n^{2019} \equiv 7 \pmod{2019}$ where $1<n<2019$

Honestly, I have no idea how to manage this problem. I just knew about Fermat's little theorem , but seems like it doesn't help me at all to solve this problem.

Maybe we try to solve $ \ n^{2019} \equiv 1 \pmod{2019}$ and $n$ is a number multiple of $7$ ?

Thank you and I appreciate any help.

Best Answer

From CRT we have the system

$x^{2019}\equiv 7\bmod 3$

$x^{2019}\equiv 7\bmod 673$

The first equation reduces to $x=1\bmod 3$ via $x^{n+2}\equiv x^n\bmod 3$ for all $n\ge 1$ (Fermat). So we have one residue $\bmod 3$.

Now for the fun part. What becomes of the second equation?

Fermat's result gives $x^{2019}\equiv x^{1347}\equiv x^{675}\equiv x^3\bmod 673$. So everything turns on whether $7$ is a cubic residue $\bmod 673$. With $673$ being one greater than a multiple of $3$ there are either three roots or none.

If $7$ is a cubic residue $\bmod 673$ then $7^{224}\equiv 1$. Test this with the squaring and multiplication method of exponentiation:

$7^2\equiv 49$

$7^3\equiv 343$

$7^6\equiv 547$

$7^7\equiv 464$

$7^{14}\equiv 609$

$7^{28}\equiv 58$

$7^{56}\equiv 672$

$7^{112}\equiv 1$

$\color{blue}{7^{224}\equiv 1}$

The test passes. We then have $x\equiv 7^{1/3}\equiv (7^{225})^{1/3}\equiv 7^{75}\bmod 673$. Using the squaring and multiplication method again gives $194$.

We have two more cube roots which must have the form

$-97(1\pm\sqrt{-3})\bmod 673$

in order for all three roots to sum to zero and give a product of $194^3\equiv 7$. Let us render

$\sqrt {-3}\equiv\sqrt{-676}\equiv26\sqrt{-1}\equiv26\sqrt{5×673-1}\equiv26\sqrt{3364}\equiv26×58\equiv162$

(We could have also rendered $\sqrt{-1}\equiv 58$ from the cubic residue test above, as $58$ precedes $672$ in the squaring process.)

Then the remaining cube roots are

$-97(1\pm162)\equiv \{138,341\}\bmod 673$

And so we have our modulo $3$ and modulo $673$ components

$x\equiv 1\bmod 3$

$x\in\{138,194,341\}\bmod 673$

Finally: take each residue from the $\bmod 673$ equation and add $673$ successively until we get a result satisfying the $\bmod 3$ equation. Thereby

$\color{blue}{x\in\{811,1540,1687\}\bmod 2019}$

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