Find all polynomials that satisfy $(x-16)P(2x)=16(x-1)P(x)$


find all polynomials that satisfy this functional equation
$$\forall x \in \mathbb{R} \\ (x-16)P(2x)=16(x-1)P(x)$$

I write the polynomial
$$P(x)=\sum_{k=0}^n a_k x^k$$
but I found by comparing the LHS ans RHS (after rearrangement) that all coefficients must be zero, except the fourth coefficient; $P(x)=a x^4$.
But when I re-substitute it into the equation I found that it's inconsistent but it make sense only if $a=0$.

Best Answer

It is easy to see that the only constant solution is $0$. Now suppose that $P(x)$ is not a constant. We remark that, if $P(x)$ is a solution, so is $cP(x)$ for any constant $c$ so we may suppose that the leading term of $P(x)$ is $x^n$ for some $n$. Comparing the leading terms on the two sides we see that $n=4$.

Letting $x=1$ or $x=16$ shows us that $$P(2)=0=P(16)$$ Letting $x=2$ tells us that $P(4)=0$ and letting $x=4$ then tells us that $P(8)=0$. It then follows that the only candidate for a monic quartic solution would be $$P(x)=(x-2)(x-4)(x-8)(x-16)$$

It is now a simple matter to confirm that this polynomial does satisfy the functional equation, so the general solution is $$P(x)=c(x-2)(x-4)(x-8)(x-16)$$ for some constant $c$.