Find all polynomials $f (x)$ such that $f (x^2+x+1)$ divides $f (x^3-1)$


I had come across a question in which involved finding polynomials (with real coefficients) satisfying the division criteria stated above. By inspection, it was easy to see that polynomials like $x$, $x^2$, $x^3$, etc. satisfied. So I went on to try a more general polynomial $f (x)=ax^n $ and it worked. I thought that if I'm able to prove that $f (x)$ can't have a non-zero root then it would suffice. Though I have found a solution that uses the 'assumption-contradiction' method (assuming that $f (x)$ has a non-zero root and showing a contradiction), but I was wondering that is there a technique that would actually allow us to solve the question (or questions of the same type) without guessing the answer first?

Best Answer

We will prove that all solutions are of a form $ax^n$, where $n\in \mathbb{N}_0$ and $a\in \mathbb{R}$.

Say exsist $a_1\ne 0$ such that $f(a_1)=0$. Then there exsist $x_1\in \mathbb{C}$ such that $x_1^2+x_1+1=a_1$ and $|x_1-1|>1$.

Such $x_1$ exsist since the equation $x^2+x+1-a=0$ has two solution $x_1,x_2$ for which $x_1+x_2=-1$. If $|x_i-1|\leq 1$ for each $i$, then we have by triangle inequality: $$2\geq |x_1-1|+|x_2-1|\geq |x_1+x_2-2| = 3$$

But then we have $$f(x_1^3-1) = k(x_1)f(a_1)=0$$ so $$a_2= x_1^3-1$$ is another root for $f$ and we can procede like this to get $a_3, a_4,...$. Since $$|a_2| = |x_1-1||a_1|>|a_1|$$ no two member of this sequence are equal.So we have infinite number of roots for $f$ which is a contradiction.