Find all polynomials $f$ such that $f(x+m)=f(x)+m$


I apologize if this is a very basic question but as someone with very limited experience solving functional equations, I'm more interested in the methods employed to tackle these kinds of problems, since I have a more advanced problem I'm trying to solve. I've tried to guess and check but haven't gotten beyond obvious solutions like $x+b$ and can't prove they're the only form a solution can take. squaring both sides and trying to find a way to group the RHS into terms of $f(x)+m$, but can't figure out where to go from there or if this is even a useful approach. To clarify, $f$ must be a polynomial and $m$ is some nonzero constant.
Would appreciate some hints or problem-solving strategies: thanks!

Best Answer

Consider $g(x)=f(x)-x$; then $g$ is also a polynomial, and $g(x+m)= f(x+m) - x - m = f(x)-x=g(x)$ for all $m$, so $g$ is a constant function (this is the only periodic polynomial): that is, $g(x)=c$, so $f(x)=x+c$. You ask for general problem solving strategies for functional equations: one is "guess the answer and consider (unknown function - your guess) or (unknown function /your guess) depending on the context".