Find $a, b$ so polynomial is divisible


Find values $a,b\in\Bbb{R}$ so the polynomial $$P(x)=6x^4-7x^3+ax^2+3x+2$$
is divisible by the polynomial

So what I know and how I do these problems most of the time, is since:

I would know that by plugging the roots of $Q(x)$ in $P(x)$ should give me enough equations for me to solve this.

So I tried finding the roots of $Q(x)$:


Okay so this $b$ value is giving me a headache here. The only thing I gathered from this is that (probably) $b\le0$. I tried now plugging this in $P(x)$, as I know that

$P(x_1)=0$ and $P(x_2)=0$

The exponents on everything made this a real pain and I'm pretty certain that it shouldn't be done this way. I'm stuck.

Best Answer

Let $D(x) = 6x^2+cx+d$ (to fix the coefficient of $x^4$). Then multiply out:

$$Q(x)D(x) = (x^2-x+b)(6x^2+cx+d) = 6x^4+(c-6)x^3+(6b+d-c)x^2+(bc-d)x+bd = 6x^4-7x^3+ax^2+3x+2$$

Equate coefficients:

$$c-6=-7 \Longrightarrow c=-1$$

$$6x^4-7x^3+(6b+d+1)x^2-(b+d)x+bd = 6x^4-7x^3+ax^2+3x+2$$

$$bd = 2 \Longrightarrow d=\dfrac{2}{b} \\ b+d=-3 \Longrightarrow b+\dfrac{2}{b}=-3 \Longrightarrow b^2+3b+2=0 \Longrightarrow b\in \{-1,-2\}$$

Case 1: $b=-1$

$$d=\dfrac{2}{b}=\dfrac{2}{-1}=-2 \\ 6b+d+1 = 6(-1)+(-2)+1 = -7 = a$$

Case 2: $b=-2$

$$d=\dfrac{2}{b} = -1 \\ 6b+d+1 = 6(-2)+(-1)+1=-12 = a$$

So, the options are $(a,b) \in \{(-7,-1),(-12,-2)\}$.

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