Find $a, b$ and $c$

linear algebramatrices

I was given the following two equations and told to find $a, b$ and $c$:

I tried to form a matrix to solve it and I made this:
1 & 1 & -1 & 1\\
a & b & -c & -1

Then I performed elimination and got this:

After this I tried to find a specific solution when $c=0$ and a made this:
\frac{1\pm i\sqrt 3}{2}\\
\frac{1\mp i\sqrt 3}{2}\\

Then, to find all the solutions I tried to find the null space while making $c=1$, then I found that all values are of the form:
\frac{1\pm i\sqrt 3}{2}\\
\frac{1\mp i\sqrt 3}{2}\\

Note: ‘/’ denotes $“or”$ and $C$ can be any integer

But when tried to plug this back into my question taking $C=1$ it didn’t work, but when $C=0$, it works, please help me.

Best Answer

There are only $2$ equations for $3$ variables so you can try to find two of them in function of the third one.

Since $a,b$ play a symmetrical role, we can choose between $b$ or $c$ as free variable. The choice of $c$ leads to solve quadratic equations, so we will choose $b$ instead.

First let $b=1$ then the system becomes $\begin{cases}a=c\\a^2-c^2=-2\iff 0=-2\end{cases}\quad$ the system has no solution.

So now we can exploit $a^2-c^2=\underbrace{(a-c)}_{1-b}(a+c)=-1-b^2\quad$ and solve $\begin{cases}a=\frac b{b-1}\\c=\frac{b^2-b+1}{b-1}\end{cases}$