Filter that’s neither Principal nor Ultrafilter


  • The Fréchet Filter: smallest non-principal ultrafilter.
  • The family of supersets of $\{1,2\}\subseteq\mathbb{R}$: smallest filter containing $\{1,2\}$. Principal. Not an ultrafilter.
  • Any ultrafilter over a finite set is principal.

Are there filters that are neither principal nor an ultrafilter?

An example would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

The Fréchet filter $F$ isn't the smallest non-principal ultrafilter. It's the filter consisting of all cofinite sets. And it's not an ultrafilter, since any infinite/co-infinite $X$ has $X\notin F$ and $X^c\notin F.$ As such, it's an excellent example of a filter that is not an ultrafilter and is not principal.

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