Field must be perfect or characteristic p


Problem statement: Given field $F$, if for any field extension $M/F$, $[M:F]$ is divisible by a fixed prime $p$, show that $F$ is either perfect or have characteristic $p$.

Previously in this question Extension degree must be power of prime, I see that $[K:F]$ is a power of $p$ through Galois closure. I also know that irreducible but inseparable polynomials must have certain form. But is it possible to continue from here without the notion of separable closure?

Best Answer

Suppose that $F$ is not perfect; then we have $q:=\operatorname{char}F>0$, and there exists an element $\alpha\in F$ that is not a $q$-th power. Now the polynomial $x^q-\alpha$ is irreducible in $F$, so the ring $E:=F[x]\big/\langle x^q-\alpha\rangle$ is a field extension of $F$ of degree $q$. On the other hand, by the problem hypotheses, $[E:F]$ must also be divisible by $p$, so this forces $q=p$, as desired.

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