Fibonacci numbers as weighted averages of powers of 5 — a bijective/combinatorial proof


A straightforward use of the binomial formula shows that the nonrecursive formula for the Fibonacci numbers,

is equivalent to

However, I don't think I've seen a bijective proof of that identity, or perhaps, its division-free version,

Most likely, I am simply unaware of an existing proof (who knows, maybe even on MSE). Do you know of any references where this is proved? Alternatively, a combinatorial proof would be great. Thanks!

Best Answer

There is a combinatorial proof given in

Benjamin, Arthur & Quinn, Jennifer. (1999). Fibonacci and Lucas identities through colored tilings. Utilitas Mathematica. 56.

It is available online here.

The proof is a bit too involved for me to try to reproduce here. Basically, $2^nF_{n+1}$ counts ways to color the $n$ cells of a $1\times n$ board white and black, and then cover that same board with transparent squares and dominoes. The underlying white/black coloring leads to two flavors of squares and four flavors of dominoes, depending on what colored squares they cover. Alternatively, you can choose a subset of the squares in $\binom{n}{2k+1}$ ways. This subset breaks the board into intervals, and each even interval can be covered in five ways. But there are still several details to iron out; one sentence that stands out is "The coloring rules, as stated, have two deficiencies, which conveniently complement each other."

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