Fewer degree-$3+$ nodes than leaf nodes in a tree

graph theorytrees

Considering this question, I was struck by the idea that:

For a graph $G$ that is a tree, the number of degree-$1$ nodes exceeds the number of nodes of degree $3$ or higher.

.. which would fairly directly solve that question.

The intuition is as follows: each degree-$3$ node adds a branch to the tree, which must also add a degree-$1$ node. Higher degree nodes add branches per extra degree. This intuition adds a numerical prediction:
$$ \sum_{k\in H}(d(k)-2) = |L|-2$$
where $H$ is the set of vertices in $G$ with degree $3$ or higher and $L$ is the set of degree-$1$ nodes, with two leaf nodes being allocated to a simple unbranched tree.

Can anyone produce or reference a more formal proof?

Best Answer

A tree on $n$ vertices has $n-1$ edges. So if there are $a$ leaves and $b$ vertices of degree at least three, then by the handshaking lemma, $$a+2(n-a-b)+3b\leq\sum \deg v=2(n-1)\implies a\geq b+2.$$