Fastest way to solve a in $ax^2+ bx + 1 = 0$ where there are 2 distinct roots less than 1


This is the question:

Let $a, b$ are integers, and the equation $ax^2+ bx + 1 = 0$ has two distinct positive roots both of which are less than 1. Find the least value of $a$.

You can solve using AM-GM by making $ax^2+ bx + 1 = 0$ a function of F(x), but I am certain this is not the fastest way. Any faster solutions?

Best Answer

There are a few things we can read off the expression immediately. For simplicity, set $f(x) = ax^2 - bx + 1$ (yes, I swapped a sign, it makes things cleaner below). We get

  • $a>0$: as $f(0) = 1$, and we want two roots in the interval $(0,1)$
  • $\frac{b}4\cdot b > 4a$: as we want $f$ to have two distinct real roots (I rewrote $b^2 - 4a > 0$ to better suit my later argument)
  • $b\leq a$: as we want $f(1)>0$, which gives us $a-b+1>0$
  • $0<b$: as the point of symmetry (which is $-\frac{-b}{2a}$) is positive, and $a$ is positive

Here we note that $0<b\leq a$ together with $\frac{b}4\cdot b > 4a$ means we must have $\frac{b}4 > 1$, and therefore $b>4$ and thus also $a>4$. So we try the first possible case after that, which is $a = b = 5$. And that works.