Fastest way to implement Secant method on calculator

algorithmscalculatornumerical methodsprogrammingroots

I am looking for the fastest way to implement the secant method (the one which is used for finding roots to a given single-variable equation) on a fx-991es calculator (scientific, non programmable calculator). What I have done till now:

  1. Assign initial values to A,B,C,D
    (Later the variables will serve as A = $x_{n-1}$, B = $x_n$, C = $x_{n+1}$, $D = f(x_{n-1})$, $E = f(x_n)$)
  2. Perform the operation $\frac{AE-BD}{E-D} \rightarrow C$, followed by the operations $B \rightarrow A, E \rightarrow D, C \rightarrow B$. Then, perform $f(C)\rightarrow E$. For example: ($cos(c)-c e^c \rightarrow E$)
  3. Repeat step 2 till the desired accuracy is reached.
    I found this pretty useful in implementing Regular-Falsi(False position) method/ bisection method, as only one set of variables is replaced there (A,D or B,E).
    However, navigating history after each operation 2 takes some time (to find the operation, then implement $\frac{AE-BD}{E-D} \rightarrow C$). Also, there are multiple replacement operations. Please post a shorter solution, if possible. A general comment on implementing numerical solutions using calculator (for other methods) would be helpful too.
    About the calculator: It has 9 variables for storage option (including M), operations supported in Vectors, Matrices too. Maybe a 2-d vector solution to this problem can be found.
    Note: I am aware that on the computer(Matlab)/programmable calculator, the process can be automated. However, I require a solution which is doable using a non-programmable calculator as these options are not available in the exam. So, please don't post such comments.

Best Answer

Not only does the form


provide more numerical stability, it can also be implemented with fewer variables (and hence less updates per iterations) since it can be rewritten as

\begin{cases}x_{n+1}=x_n+\Delta x_n\\\Delta x_n=\dfrac{f_n}{f_{n-1}-f_n}\Delta x_{n-1}\\f_n=f(x_n)\end{cases}

which requires only one value of $x$, one value of $\Delta x$, and two values of $f$ per iteration:

  1. Initialize $(A,B,C,D)=(x_1,\Delta x_0,f_1,f_0)=(x_1,x_1-x_0,f(x_1),f(x_0))$.

  2. Update $B:=\dfrac{BC}{D-C}$, then $A:=A+B$, then $D:=C$, then $C:=f(A)$.

  3. Repeat 2. until desired accuracy.

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