Fair Sharing of a Pizza When Opinions About the Edge Differ


Two friends wants to share a pizza. One of them loves the edge of the pizza and the other one hates it. Both consider the pizza to get tastier the closer to the center you get. What is the fairest way to cut the pizza if you are only allowed four straight cuts, such that the two sets of slices sum up to the same area and one set contains all edges?

I have attached an intuitive sketch, which seems somewhat fair, but I don't know how to approach a problem like this one.
Intuitive idea for a solution

Best Answer

Since I raised the possibility in one of my comments, here is a possible solution that gives ~42% of the center to the edge lover. It does however rely on the freedom to displace the pieces between the cuts. Given that this is a problem of practical nature, I don't see any harm in allowing displacement. Folding the pizza before or between cuts would probably result in undesired side effects, but it is possible that could yield an even fairer distribution.

enter image description here

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