Factorial induction proof with recursion, no idea where to go


So I've been stuck on this one problem from my Foundations of Computing class where I'm given a function $T(n)$ and the base cases are defined already and a function is given to find the other $n$ values greater than the base case. This is how it looks.

Consider the following recursively defined function:

3,&\text{if }n=1\\
6,&\text{if }n=2\\
18,&\text{if }n=3\\

Use induction to prove that $T(n)=3(n!)$ for all $n\ge 1$.

I have no clue how to even get started on this. We never covered factorial induction proofs, let alone with recursion in my class so I would really appreciate some help with this.

Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

There’s nothing special about the fact that a factorial is involved. It’s immediate from the definition of $T$ that $T(n)=3n!$ for $n=1,2,3$; those are your base cases for this strong induction. For the induction step you simply have to use the definition of $T$ to show that if $T(k)=3k!$ for $k=1,\ldots,n-1$, where $n>3$, then $T(n)=3n!$. That definition says that


so your task is to use the induction hypothesis and a little algebra to show that the righthand side simplifies to $3n!$. HINT: It will be helpful to factor $n^3-3n^2+2n$.