$F \circ G$ self-adjoint $\iff F \circ G = G \circ F$

adjoint-operatorslinear algebraproof-verification

Let $V$ be an finite inner product space and $F$ and $G$ two self-adjoint endomorphisms on $V$. Show that iff $F \circ G$ is self-adjoint, $F \circ G = G \circ F$.

My Proof:

"$\implies$": If $F \circ G$ is self-adjoint, we have
\langle F(G(v)), w \rangle
= \langle v, F(G(w)) \rangle
\langle F(G(v)), w \rangle
= \langle G(v), F(w) \rangle
= \langle v, G(F(w)) \rangle
for all $v, w \in V$, because $F$ and $G$ are self-adjoint.
To complete my proof I have to show

$$ \langle v, F(G(w)) \rangle = \langle v, G(F(w)) \rangle \implies F(G(w)) = G(F(w)),$$

but I don't know how.

The other direction didn't provide any obstacles for me.

Best Answer

Let $w$ an arbitrary given vector. The equality

$$\langle v, F(G(w)) \rangle = \langle v, G(F(w)) \rangle $$ for all vector $v$ is equivalent to

$$0= \langle v, F(G(w)) - G(F(w)) \rangle $$

but this means that $F(G(w)) - G(F(w))=0_V$ as it's the only vector orthogonal at all vector $v\in V$.

Remark: An alternative and straightforward way to prove the result is to use this

$$(F\circ G)^*=G^*\circ F^*=G\circ F$$