Extension of scalars of an irreducible representation – Is it a direct sum over a single orbit of Galois conjugates


Let $L/F$ be a field extension which is Galois, $\text{char}F=0$. Let $V$ be an irreducible representation of a finite group $G$ over $F$. Then, the representation $W=L\otimes V$ of $G$ over $L$ is Galois-invariant. That is $W^{\sigma}$ is isomorphic to $W$ for each $\sigma\in\text{Gal}(L/F)$.

The Galois invariance implies that the representation $W$ decomposes as $\bigoplus_{i=1}^{n}W_i$ where each $W_i$ is the direct sum of an entire $\text{Gal}(L/K)$-orbit of irreps of $G$ over $L$.

Is $n=1$ always? That is, is there always just a single orbit in the decomposition?

Best Answer

Sorry, my previous answer was wrong. I can't delete it, because it is an accepted answer, but I can edit it and completely change its contents!

I was confusing isomorphism classes of submodules with the submodules themselves.

According to Theorem 13.3, Chapter 5 of Huppert's German book "Endliche Gruppen I", in your situation. we have $W =\oplus_{i=1}^k U^{\sigma_i}$, where $U$ is an irreducible $LG$-submdule of $W$, and $\{\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k\}$ is a (possibly proper) subset of ${\rm Gal}(L,F)$. (I haven't found a reference for this in English yet.)

I guess the answer to your question depends on what exactly you mean by "each $W_i$ is the direct sum of an entire ${\rm Gal}(L/K)$-orbit of irreps of $G$ over $L$".

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