Extension of a linear map in a generic vector space (without Zorn’s lemma)

axiom-of-choicefunctional-analysishahn-banach-theoremlinear algebralinear-transformations

I am studying topological vector spaces from Sevres' book "Topological vector spaces, distributions and Kernels".
In one of the preparatory chapters I encountered the following excercise:

Consider a linear subspace M of a vector space E, and a linear map T from M into F.
Prove the existence of an extension T': E into F.
(Obviously all the spaces may be infinite dimensional)

I have studied a bit of functional analysis so I think that maybe one could mimic the proof of Hahn-Banach theorem and in this context one should neither take care of the continuity of the extension. However I recall that this proof uses explicitly Zorn Lemma, or the Axiom of Choice.
Being a bachelor's student, I was wondering if in this more simple context this could be avoided. I was trying to exploit quotient spaces or to find a decomposition by means of direct sum E= M + M' but was not successful.
Any idea ?

Best Answer

Consider the case $F=M$ and $T$ the identity map on $M$. An extension of this to $T': E \to M$ is a projection of $E$ on $M$. Then with $N = \ker(T')$ you can write $E = M \oplus N$.

According to Asaf Karagila's answer here, the Axiom of Choice is equivalent to the statement that this can always be done.

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