Extension of a field..


I am new in field theory. If we have to show that $E$ is a filed extension of $F$. Then we define a map from $F$ to $E$ and shows that map is injective and ring homomorphism. I found it in proof of some theorems. What is connection between injective ring homomorphism and extension?

Definition : If $K$ is a field containing the subfield $F$, then $K$ is said to be an extension field of $F$.

What is intuitive idea of extension of a field?


Best Answer

Let $E$ and $F$ be fields. Suppose there exists an injective ring homomorphism $\phi:E \to F$. Then by isomorphism theorem, $\phi(E) \cong E/\ker(\phi) = E$. Thus, $\phi(E)$ is a subfield of $F$ that is isomorphic to $E$. We sometimes abuse notation a little bit by saying that $E$ is a subfield of $F$.

Note: if $E$ is a field, then any ring homomorphism $\psi: E \to R$ is either injective or the zero map. This is due to the fact that $\ker(E)$ is an ideal of $E$ and the only ideals of $E$ are $(0)$ and $E$.

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