Express the definition of even using universal and existential quantifiers

discrete mathematicslogiclogic-translationquantifiers

I got a bit confused when trying to rewrite the following statement using $\forall$ and $\exists$ quantifiers:

An integer is even iff it equals double some other integer.

$\exists x\in Z(\forall y \in Z(x=2y \iff even(x)))$

"An integer" sound to me like the statement should be universally quantified:

$\forall x\in Z(\exists y \in Z(x=2y \iff even(x)))$

which doesn't make sense, as not all integers are even.


$\forall x\in Z(\forall y \in Z(x=2y \iff even(x)))$

is correct then? For all combinations of two integers $x$ and $y$, $x = 2y$ iff $x$ is even.

Best Answer

A correct formalization of the phrase "an integer is even iff it equals double some other integer" is the following: \begin{align} \forall x \in \mathbb{Z} \, (\exists y \in \mathbb{Z} \, (x = 2y) \iff \textrm{even}(x)) \end{align}