Explanation about connected graph


Assume the function $h\colon \Bbb R\to \Bbb R$ with dense graph such that $h\restriction C$ connected for any connected set $C\subset\Bbb R.$ let $f\colon (0,1)\to \Bbb R$ be a homeomorphism.

Now define a function $g\colon \Bbb R\to \Bbb R$ as $g=h\circ f$ on $(0,1)$ and 0 on its complement. I want to check if the graph of $g$ will be connected or not. It is clearly that the graph will be as union of three connected pieces.

I need to check if the whole graph will be connected or not. I think it will be problem in the end points. Any help will be helpful.

Best Answer

To avoid the question of whether a function $h$ satisfying your assumptions exists, let's just consider a dense, connected set $H\in\Bbb R^2$.

If $f_1:\Bbb R\to(0,1)$ is a homeomorphism, then so is $f:(x,y)\mapsto(f_1(x),y)$, so $K=f(H)$ is connected and dense in $(0,1)\times\Bbb R$. The point $(0,0)$ is a limit point of $K$, because every open neighborhood of $(0,0)$ contains an open subset of $(0,1)\times\Bbb R$, which must contain an element of $K$ by density.

Let $R=\{(x,0):x\le0\}$. You're interested in whether $K\cup R$ is connected. Since $K$ and $R$ are each connected, the only potential disconnection to check is $\{K,R\}$. But $R$ is not open because it contains $(0,0)$ and every open set containing $(0,0)$ includes elements of $K$. So $K\cup R$ is indeed connected.

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