Explaining the graph of $\sin(x^2) + \sin(y^2) = 1$

algebra-precalculusgraphing-functionsimplicit functiontrigonometry

I had to plot the graph of the implicitly defined function $\sin^2 x + \sin^2 y = 1$ in an exam. This is not particularly difficult, but it got me wondering what the graph would look like when the exponent is taken inside, viz.

$$\sin(x^2) + \sin(y^2) = 1$$

I found it difficult to figure this out, so I resorted to Desmos' graphing calculator. It looks like this: enter image description here

I can explain some parts of this picture, but others elude me, and I think someone with more experience will do a better job of saying why this thing looks like it does.

I'd be particularly interested to know whether the figure in the middle is a special case of some other function, and similarly with the curlicues on the axes. (I have a good idea of what the polka dots are.)

Pre-emptive note: I had no trouble plotting the other thing mentioned ($\sin^2 x + \sin^2 y = 1$), so you needn't bother including that in your answer.

EDIT: After looking at @Jean Marie's answer below, I plotted the graph of
$$(x^2 + y^2) – \frac{x^6 + y^6}{6} = 1,$$
reasoning that near the origin a few terms of the Taylor series might help. The resulting graph was quite similar to the strange shape near the origin in thing above. Somewhat unexpectedly (at least for a callow neophyte like me), a much closer approximation (shapewise) was offered by
$$x^2 + y^2 – \frac{x^4 + y^4}{4} = 1$$

In case it is of any use, here is a picture (from Desmos) of the two plots I mentioned.enter image description here

In the figure above, the blue is the sextic and the red the quartic.

Best Answer

The surface of equation $$z=\sin x+\sin y$$ has the shape of an "egg tray". It has maxima $z=2$ on a periodic grid, and this is why the level curves $z=1$ are regularly spaced approximate circles.

enter image description here

Now if we replace $x$ by $x^2$, we deform space horizontally so that $x^2$ increases faster and faster, giving a "compression effect".

enter image description here

By replacing $y$ with $y^2$, we get the effect on both axis.

enter image description here

Of course, the picture is symmetric by reflection, as the square function is even.

Remains to explain the "spikes" against the axis. If $y$ is small,

$$\sin x^2+\sin y^2=1\to y\approx\sqrt{1-\sin x^2}=\sqrt2\left|\cos\frac{x^2}2\right|$$

enter image description here

shows them.

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