Explain expected (lone) Knight moves on a chess board

chessboarddiscrete mathematicsprobability

(* edited as per comments below *)

I've been working on the expected number of moves a lone knight on a chess board needs to make to get from position (i,j) on a chess board to position (8,8) at the upper right corner. I am using the expression for the number of moves to get from position $(i,j)$ to $(k,l)$ as
E_{i,j}=1+\frac{1}{N_{i,j}} \sum_{\begin{array}{c}(i',j')\in N_{i,j}\\(i',j')\neq (k,l)\end{array}}E_{i,j}

and then solving the resulting 64 equations for the variables $E_{i,j}$. See Link to Quora for description. I then round to integers and place the number of moves in each square of the chess board:
enter image description here
For example, it takes an estimated 213 moves to move from position (1,1) to (8,8). And it takes 168 (estimated) moves to even start at (8,8) and return to (8,8).

I was wondering if someone could explain the obvious diagonal symmetry of the numbers. For example, starting at the top right is 168 moves then diagonally, (202) and (202) then 196, 208, 196, and so fourth. It seems somewhat similar to Pascal's Triangle and was wondering if that's related to this problem.


Best Answer

A single $1,2$ move by a knight feels 'asymmetrical', and so the symmetry may at first sight be surprising from that perspective.

However, note that the expected number of moves that you re calculating is a function of all possible moves the knight could be making, and for every move the knight can make, there is a 'mirror' move that the knight can make as well. Or, more to the point: for every path a knight may take, you can mirror that path in the bottom-left-to-top-right diagonal.

For example, the first move from $(1,1)$ can go to $(2,3)$ or to $(3,2)$, which are the 'mirror' moves of each other when mirrored in the diagonal. Likewise, moving from $(2,3)$ to $(3,5)$ in the one case would be mirrored by going from $(3,2)$ to $(5,3)$ in the other case.

Indeed, every sequence of moves has a perfect mirror, and since the choice of moves is perfectly random, each of these mirror sequences is equally likely. So, from that perspective, the symmetry is in fact easily explained.

If you still don't see it, here is one more thing that you could do: Start the knight on $(1,1)$, and record for all possible subsequent moves, how many times a knight could have visited a square for each of the squares given all possible moves/paths. Thus, at the start, the $(1,1)$ square has a value of $1$, and all other squares a value of $0$. After he first move, the $(1,1)$, $(2,3)$, and $(3,2)$ squares all have a value of $1$. After two moves, $(1,1)$ will have a value of $3$ (you can go back to $(1,1)$ from both $(2,3)$ and $(3,2)$), and a bunch more squares will have a value of $1$ ... but I think you'll quickly find that the number remains symmetrical along the diagonal ... and the expected number of moves (which is function of all possible paths) is therefore symmetrical as well.