Expected value of repeated bets

expected valueprobability

Suppose a game where a fair coin is flipped. Tails pays out $0.5$x the bet, and heads pays out $1.75$x. With a bet of \$1, the expected value of a single game is $0.5\cdot 0.5 + 0.5\cdot 1.75 = 1.125$. So if $1000$ games of this is played, \$125 is expected to be gained.

But what if instead of betting \$1, the entire bankroll is bet? So starting with \$100, after a single round there is a $50$% chance of \$50, and a $50$% chance of \$175. Regardless of outcome, the entire amount is bet again, so if it was heads, the next round \$175 would be bet and so on. What is the expected amount after $1000$ rounds?

My intuition is that you'd end up with \$0, since it would take more than one win to make up for a single loss as $0.5\cdot 1.75 = 0.875$, and when I run a few trials programmatically it would come out to $0$ (as in, $<\epsilon$) each time, but I don't know how to prove this

Best Answer

Computer simulations suggest that the bankroll is expected to get vanishingly small after the 1000 rounds. This is false, as will be shown below.

Without loss of generality let the initial bankroll be 1. If the number of heads obtained is $k$, the bankroll after playing 1000 rounds is $$(1.75)^k(0.5)^{1000-k}$$ Thus the expected value of the bankroll after 1000 rounds is $$\sum_{k=0}^{1000}\frac{\binom{1000}k}{2^{1000}}(1.75)^k(0.5)^{1000-k}$$ $$=\sum_{k=0}^{1000}\binom{1000}k(0.875)^k(0.25)^{1000-k}$$ $$=(1.125)^{1000}\sum_{k=0}^{1000}\binom{1000}k(0.875/1.125)^k(0.25/1.125)^{1000-k}$$ The sum in the last expression is over the probabilities of every possible result in a binomial $n=1000,p=0.875/1.125$ random variable, so is 1. The whole thing reduces to $1.125^{1000}=1.421\cdot10^{51}$.

This is counterintuitive, and the reason for this is that the distribution of ending values has a very long tail (positive-skewed) which is not very apparent from the simulation.

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