Expected value of Hypergeometric distribution using indicator random variables

expected valueprobabilityprobability distributionsrandom variables

I am trying to understand how to calculate the expected value of a hypergeometric variable using indicator random variables. The derivation that I read in the book (Introduction to Probability Theory, Hoel Port Stone) is as follows:

Assume the population size to be $r$, of which $r_1$ are of type 1 and $r-r_1$ are of type 2. A sample of size $n$ is drawn without replacement from this population.
Let $X_1, X_2, … X_n$ be indicator random variables where $X_i = 1$ if and only if the ith element in the sample is of type 1. Then,

$E[X_i] = P(X_i = 1) = \frac{r_1}{r}$

I don't understand how the expectation of $X_i$ is the same $\forall i$. Since sampling is done without replacement in hypergeometric distribution, the probability of ith element in the sample being type 1 shouldn't be the same $\forall i$.

Can someone explain why this is true?

Edit: We can write,

$P(X_i=1) = \sum_{x_1}\sum_{x_2}…\sum_{x_{i-1}} P(X_1=x_1, X_2=x_2, … , X_{i-1} = x_{i-1}, X_i=1)$

where $x_i$'s take values $0$ or $1$.

Can we compute this sum to show $P(X_i=1) = \frac{r_1}{r}?$

Best Answer

Since types don't have any preference for positions, the probability that type $1$ is at any position will be the same as its being at the start,

i.e. $\Bbb P(X_i) = \Bbb P(X_1) = \frac {r_1}{r}$

Now the expectation of an indicator random variable is just the probability of the event it indicates, thus $\Bbb E[X_i ] = \frac{r_i}{r},$

and by linearity of expectation, which applies even when the variables are not independent, we can get the final expectation as $\Bbb E[X] = \Sigma \Bbb E[X_i]$

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