Expected value of absolute value of centered random variable

expected valuejensen-inequalityprobability

I am looking to prove the following:

Given iid random variable's $X = X_1, X_2, \dots$, and mean $E[X] = \bar{X}$ ,show that:
$$E[|X|] \geq E[|X – \bar{X}|] \tag{1}\label{1}$$

This intuitively makes sense-clearly centering a random variable will bring it closer to $0$.

If there was no absolute value, applying linearity of expectation would show us:

$$E[X – \bar{X}] = E[X] – E[\bar{X}] = \bar{X} – \bar{X} = 0$$

And then noting that $E[|X|] \geq 0$, we can show that $E[|X|] \geq E[|X – \bar{X}|]$.

Is this all that is needed? In other words, is there a more formal way of proving $(1)$? I have considered using the fact that the absolute value function is convex, but am not sure if that is necessary to prove this.


Updating this to include some additional context. I am asking this as part of a larger proof of the Weak Law of Law Numbers with infinite variance (part of Discrete Stochastic Processes Theory for Applications by Gallager). In it he states:

Theorem 1.7.4 (WLLN): For each integer $n \geq 1$, let $S_n = X_1 + \dots + X_n$, where $X_1, X_2, \dots$ are IID rvs satisfying $E[|X|] < \infty$. Then for any $\epsilon > 0$,
$$lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} P\Big( \Big| \frac{S_n}{n} – E[X]\Big| > \epsilon \Big) = 0$$
Proof: We use a truncation argument. Let $b$ be a positive number (which we later take to be increasing with $n$), and for each variable $X_i$, define a new rv $\hat{X}_i$ by:
\hat{X}_i = \begin{cases}
X_i & for \; \; E[X] – b \leq X_i \leq E[X] + b \\
E[X] + b & for \; \; X_i > E[X] + b \\
E[X] – b & for \; \; X_i < E[X] + b

The truncated variables are IID. Show that each $\hat{X}_i$ has a finite mean $E[\hat{X}]$ and a finite variance $\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2$. Show that the variance is upper bounded by the second moment around the original mean $\bar{X}$, i.e. show that $\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 \leq bE[|\hat{X} – \bar{X}|] \leq 2bE[|X|]\tag{2}\label{2}$

It is this last step that prompted me to ask this question. I am not able to show that:

$$\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 \leq bE[|\hat{X} – \bar{X}|] \leq 2bE[|X|]$$

I can prove the left side of the inequality, $\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 \leq bE[|\hat{X} – \bar{X}|]$. Specifically, as $E[\hat{X}] \rightarrow E[X]$ the variance $\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2$ is maximized. Hence:

$$\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 = Var(\hat{X}) = E[(\hat{X} – E[\hat{X}])^2]$$

Where this is maximized when $E[\hat{X}] = E[X]$:

$$\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 \leq E[(\hat{X} – E[X])^2]$$

And we can show that $|\hat{X} – E[X]| \leq b$. Using this inequality we finally show:

$$\sigma_{\hat{X}}^2 \leq E[b^2] = bE[|\hat{X} – E[X]|]$$

So, that leaves me trying to prove the right hand side of the inequality in (2):

$$bE[|\hat{X} – \bar{X}|] \leq 2bE[|X|]$$

Which is why I asked the question of how to prove (1). My reasoning was that if I could prove (1), I could then prove the right hand side of the inequality in (2).

Best Answer

This is false. Here is a counter-example:

$$X = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{ with prob $1/4$} \\ 0 & \mbox{ with prob $3/4$} \end{array}\right.$$


  • $E[X]=1/4$.
  • $E[|X|] = 1/4$
  • $E[|X-1/4|] = 3/8 > 1/4$.

On the other hand, if $Y$ is any random variable with finite variance then $$ E[Y^2] \geq E[(Y-E[Y])^2]$$

Further, for any random variable $Y$ with finite mean we have $$E[|Y-E[Y]|] \leq 2E[|Y|]$$ Proof: $$|Y-E[Y]| \leq |Y| + |E[Y]| \leq |Y| + E[|Y|]$$ where the final inequality holds by Jensen's inequality with the convex function $|y|$. Taking expectations of both sides gives the result. $\Box$

[The example random variable $X$ given at the start of this answer indeed satisfies this inequality because $3/8\leq 2(1/4)$.]