Expected value of 3 uniform random variables

expected valueprobabilityprobability distributionsprobability theory

You got $3$ random variables (iid), uniformly distributed between $\left[0, 1\right]$.
\mbox{What is}\,\,\, \mathbb{E}\left[\max\left\{X1, X2, X3\right\}
\min\left\{X1,X2, X3\right\}\right]\ {\large ?}.


I found the link: Expected value of Max times Min of 2 uniform random variables. Can we extend this to $3$ variables $?$.

I know the pdf of $\max\left\{X1, X2, X3\right\}$ and $\min\left\{X1, X2, X3\right\}$. But the expected value can't by factor out because these two quantities are not independent.

Do I have to go through the expected value calculation through the pdfs $?$.

Best Answer

You're absolutely right about being cautious regarding multiplying non-independent PDFs. However, what you can instead do is write down the joint distribution of the order statistics (in this case the first order statistic is the minimum of your three variables and the third order statistic is the max).

The joint PDF is surprisingly simple in this case $f_{\min(X_1,X_2,X_3),\max(X_1,X_2,X_3)}(u,v)=3!(v-u)$, it's essentially given by the number of possible permutations (that's the $3!$ term) times the probability that the "middle" variable is somewhere between $u$ and $v$. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_statistic#The_joint_distribution_of_the_order_statistics_of_the_uniform_distribution for more details.

From this, one approach could be to compute the expected value using multivariable calculus $$E[\min(X_1,X_2,X_3) \max(X_1,X_2,X_3)] = 3! \int_{0<u<v<1} u v (v-u) dvdu = 3! \int_0^1 \left(\int_u^1 u v (v-u) dv\right)du.$$

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