Expected Value and Exponential memoryless property

expected valueexponential distributionprobabilityprobability distributionssolution-verification

Given 8 runners, the time until they reach the finish line is distributed like so $X_1..X_8 \sim Exp(1)$ and they are independent from each other.

Let $T_1$ denote the time of the runner who got to the finish line first.

And $T_2$ denote the time for the runner who got to the finish line second.

I need to find $$E(T_2 – T_1)$$
Because of the memoryless property we know that the time between the second to arrive and the first to arrive is the time for the second to arrive which is: $min\{X_1..X_8/T_1\} $ which is the minimum of 7 Exponintial variables i.e. $$ T_2-T_1 \sim Exp(7) $$
thus $$E(T_2 – T_1) = 1/7$$
however, the expected value is linear, meaning $$E(T_2 – T_1) = E(T_2) – E(T_1) $$
amd $T_2,T_1$ are distributed exponintially as minimums of exponintials, Exp(7) and Exp(8) respectully.
So we get $$E(T_2 – T_1) = E(T_2) – E(T_1)= 1/7 – 1/8 \neq 1/7 $$
What am I missing here?

Best Answer

Is it possible to explain why that is? Intuitively I agree, however, I can't wrap my head around this

Using the Theory of Order statistics you get that

$$f_{T_1,T_2}(x,y)=7 e^{-7y}\cdot 8e^{-x}\cdot\mathbb{1}_{[0;\infty)}(x)\cdot\mathbb{1}_{[x;\infty)}(y)$$

Thus setting


you have that

$$F_Z(z)=\int_0^{\infty}8e^{-x}\left[ \int_x^{x+z}7e^{-7y}dy \right]dx=\dots=1-e^{-7z}$$

that is


Or, in other words,

$$T_2-T_1\sim \text{Exp}(7)$$

Using the same theory you get that


with expectation


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