Expectation of Brownian hitting time

brownian motionprobabilitystochastic-analysisstochastic-calculusstochastic-processes

Let $a,b >0$ and $B_t$ be one dimensional Brownian motion starting in $0$.
I am searching some way to calculate $$E(\tau_{-a}1_{\{\tau_{-a}<\tau_b\}}),$$
where $\tau_x$ denotes the hitting time of some point $x \in \mathbb{R}$.
Of course I know that by symmetry this expectation equals $\frac{a^2}{2}$ if $a=b$. But in this "unsymmetrical" I don't know how to calculate this expectation. Does anybody have an idea?

Best Answer

An alternative approach (motivated by the tediousness of differentiating that ratio of hyperbolic sines) can be made using the martingale $B_t^3 - 3tB_t$. By optional stopping, $E[B_\tau^3-3\tau B_\tau] =0$. Therefore, writing $q$ for $E[\tau_{-a}1_{\{\tau_{-a}<\tau_b\}}]$ (and noting that $E[\tau_b 1_{\{\tau_b<\tau_{-a}\}}]=ab-q$): $$ (-a)^3{b\over a+b}+b^3{a\over a+b} =3(-a)q+3b(ab-q), $$ because $P[\tau_{-a}<\tau_b]=b/(a+b)$, as is well known. Solving for $q$ you get $$ E[\tau_{-a}1_{\{\tau_{-a}<\tau_b\}}]={ab(a+2b)\over 3(a+b)}. $$

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