Expectation of Absolute Deviation From Mean

expected valuemeansprobability

Consider a random variable $X$ and $E[|X|] < 1$. Hence, its expectation $E[X]$ exists.

Let us denote $\mu_X := E[X]$ for notational simplicity. The absolute deviation from the mean is $|X-\mu_X|$,
and its expectation is denoted as $d_X := E [|X-\mu_X|]$

a) Show that $d_X ≤ \sigma_X$, where $\sigma_X$ denotes the standard deviation.

b) Let $X$ be a Gaussian random variable. Derive $d_X$ in terms of $\sigma_X$.

c) Let the PDF of $X$, $f_X(t)$, is proportional to $e^{-\lambda|t|}, \lambda>0$ . Derive $d_X$ in terms of $\sigma_X$.

I found this question very confusing. From what I learned at class $E[X-\mu_X]=0$. How come in this question it is not equal to $0$ ?

Best Answer

$E[X-\mu_X]$ is $0$ but $d_X=E|X-\mu_X|$ is not $0$ unless $X$ is a constant.

Part a) is an immediate apllication of Holder's / C-S inequality: $E|X-\mu_X| \leq \sqrt {E(X-\mu_X)^{2}}=\sqrt {var (X)} =\sigma_X$.

For b) let $Y=\frac {X-\mu_X} {\sigma_X}$ Then $Y \sim N(0,1)$ so $d_X=E|X-\mu_X|=\sigma_X E|Y|$. You can calculate $E|Y|$ from the formula $E|Y| =\int_{\mathbb R} |x|\frac 1 {\sqrt {2 \pi}} e^{-x^{2}/2} dx$. [$E|Y|=\frac 2 {\sqrt {2\pi}}$]. c) $f_X(t)=\frac {\lambda} 2 e^{-\lambda |t|}$. [The constant is derived using the fact that $f_X$ integrates to $1$]. Note that $\mu_X=0$ in this case. Hence $d_X=\frac {\lambda} 2 \int |t|e^{-\lambda |t|}dt=\frac 1 {\lambda}$. I will let you evaluate this integral.

The variance $\sigma_X$ in this case $\frac 2 {\lambda^{2}}$. [This is standard. You can prove it using integration by parts]. Hence $\sigma_X=2d_X^{2}$ or $d_X=\sqrt {\sigma_X/ 2}$