Examples of triangles, which related ellipses are perfectly packed with circles.

big-listcirclesconic sectionsgeometrytriangles

Ellipse can be
perfectly packed with $n$ circles

\text{or equivalently, }\quad

where $a,b$ are the major and minor semi-axis
of the ellipse and $e=\sqrt{1-\frac{b^2}{a^2}}$ is its eccentricity.

Consider a triangle and any ellipse, naturally associated with it,
for example, Steiner circumellipse/inellipse, Marden inellipse,
Brocard inellipse,
Lemoine inellipse,
ellipse with the circumcenter and incenter as the foci
and $r+R$ as the major axis, or any other ellipse
you can come up with,
which can be consistently associated with the triangle.

The question is: provide the example(s) of triangle(s)
for which the associates ellipse(s) can be perfectly packed with circles.

Let's say that the max number of packed circles is 12,
unless you can find some especially interesting case with more circles.

For example, the Steiner incircle for the famous $3-4-5$ right triangle
can not be perfectly packed.

The example of the right triangle with the Marden inellipse,
perfectly packed with six circles is given in the self-answer below.

Best Answer

We can consider of a broad family of inellipses that includes Steiner's and Mandart's.

Given $\triangle ABC$ with $A=(0,0)$, $B=(c,0)$, $C=(b\cos A, b \sin A)$, and define point $P$ by $$P = \frac{\frac1\alpha A + \frac1\beta B + \frac1\gamma C}{\frac1\alpha+\frac1\beta+\frac1\gamma} \tag{1}$$ (cumbersome reciprocals now make for cleaner expressions later). Let the cevians through $P$ meet the opposite sides in $A'$, $B'$, $C'$; that is, define $$A' := \overleftrightarrow{AP}\cap\overleftrightarrow{BC} \qquad B' := \overleftrightarrow{BP}\cap\overleftrightarrow{CA} \qquad C' := \overleftrightarrow{CP}\cap\overleftrightarrow{AB}$$ One can show that there is a unique ellipse tangent to the side-lines of the triangle at $A'$, $B'$, $C'$. In the notation of my previous answer, it has equation $$K_{20}\,x^2 + K_{11}\,x y + K_{02}\,y^2 + K_{10}\,x+K_{01}\,y+K_{00} = 0$$ with $$\begin{align} K_{20} &= \phantom{-}4\, (\alpha + \beta)^2 |\triangle ABC|^2 \\[4pt] K_{11} &= \phantom{-}4 c \left((\alpha + \beta) (a \alpha \cos B - b \beta \cos A) + (\alpha - \beta) c \gamma \,\right) |\triangle ABC| \\[4pt] K_{02} &= -4 (\alpha + \beta)^2 |\triangle ABC|^2 \\ &\phantom{=}\;+c^2 \left( a^2 \alpha^2 + b^2 \beta^2 + c^2\gamma^2 + 2 bc\beta \gamma \cos A + 2 ca\gamma \alpha \cos B + 2 ab \alpha \beta \cos C \right)\\[4pt] K_{10} &= -8 c \alpha (\alpha + \beta) |\triangle ABC|^2 \\[4pt] K_{01} &= -4 c^2 \alpha ( a \alpha \cos B - b \beta \cos A + c \gamma ) |\triangle ABC| \\[4pt] K_{00} &= \phantom{-}4 c^2 \alpha^2 |\triangle ABC|^2 \end{align}$$

From these we get (after dividing-through by a common factor of $c^4$)

$$\begin{align} p &= \left( a^2 \alpha^2 + b^2 \beta^2 + c^2\gamma^2 + 2 bc\beta \gamma \cos A + 2 ca\gamma \alpha \cos B + 2 ab \alpha \beta \cos C \right)^2 \\ q &= -64 \alpha \beta \gamma (\alpha + \beta + \gamma )|\triangle ABC|^2 \end{align} \tag{2}$$

These, in conjunction with equations $(4.x')$ in my previous answer give conditions under which the inellipse is perfectly-packable.

We recover the Steiner inellipse case (again in my previous answer) by taking $\alpha=\beta=\gamma=1$ (and dividing-through by a common factor of $4$).

If we consider inellipses specifically of equilateral triangles, with $a=b=c=1$, then we have $$\begin{align} p &= \left( \alpha^2 + \beta^2 + \gamma^2 + \beta \gamma + \gamma \alpha + \alpha \beta \right)^2 \\ q &= -12 \alpha \beta \gamma (\alpha + \beta + \gamma ) \end{align} \tag{3}$$ For the particular case of ellipse centered on the triangle's line of symmetry (so that, say, $\alpha=\beta$) and packed with $3$ circles, equation $(4.3')$ of my previous answer reduces to $$(3 \alpha^2 - 8 \alpha\gamma - 4 \gamma^2) (12 \alpha^2 - 2 \alpha\gamma - \gamma^2) = 0$$ which we can solve to get (ignoring negative values) $$\gamma = \alpha \left(-1+\sqrt{13}\right) \qquad \gamma = \frac{\alpha}{2} \left(-2 +\sqrt{7}\right)$$ These correspond to the inellipses shown in @g.kov's answer.

Interestingly, all six equations $(4.x')$ factor when $\alpha=\beta$.

Ceva Ratios. If we define $$\delta := \frac{|A'C|}{|BA'|} \qquad \epsilon := \frac{|B'A|}{|CB'|} \qquad \phi := \frac{|C'B|}{|AC'|}$$

Ceva's Theorem states that cevians $\overleftrightarrow{AA'}$, $\overleftrightarrow{BB'}$, $\overleftrightarrow{CC'}$ concur if and only if $\delta\epsilon\phi = 1$. The point of concurrence can be written in the form $(1)$ with $$\alpha:\beta:\gamma \;=\; 1 : \phi : \frac1\epsilon \qquad \left( = \delta^0 : \phi^1 : \epsilon^{-1} \right) \tag{4}$$

(The relation $\delta\epsilon\phi=1$ means that $(4)$ can be written in a variety of ways, none of which is satisfyingly symmetric. However, I think of $(4)$ as being written "relative to" vertex $A$. The parameter $\alpha$ is naturally assigned its corresponding Ceva ratio, $\delta$, raised to the $0$-th power; but $\beta$ steals $\gamma$'s Ceva ratio, $\phi$, which is raised to the $1$-th power (because it's "looking forward"); likewise, $\gamma$ gets $\beta$'s Ceva ratio, $\epsilon$, which is raised to the $(-1)$-th power (because it's "looking backward").)

Some ellipses, such as Mandart's, may be easier to describe using Ceva ratios $\delta:\epsilon:\phi$ than reciprocal-barycentric coordinates $\alpha:\beta:\gamma$.

Actual Examples! Here's a family of the first six perfectly-packed ellipses in the equilateral triangle whose major axes align with a side of the triangle. Since the concurrence point $P$ lies on an axis of symmetry, so we have $$\alpha:\beta:\gamma = 1 : \kappa: \kappa$$ for values of $\kappa$ we give below.

First, a family portrait ...

enter image description here

... and now the individual cases:

enter image description hereenter image description here

$$\begin{array}{ccc} n = 1 & \qquad & n = 2 \\ \kappa = 1 & & \kappa = \frac16\left(1 + \sqrt{7}\right)= 0.607\ldots \end{array}$$

enter image description here enter image description here

$$\begin{array}{ccc} n = 3 & \qquad & n = 4 \\ \kappa = \frac1{12}\left(1 + \sqrt{13}\right) = 0.383\ldots & & \kappa = 0.275\ldots \\ & & 1 + 4 \kappa - 20 \kappa^2 - 48 \kappa^3 + 72 \kappa^4 = 0 \end{array}$$

enter image description here enter image description here

$$\begin{array}{ccc} n = 5 & \qquad & n = 6 \\ \kappa = 0.213\ldots & & \kappa = 0.173\ldots \\ 1 + 4 \kappa - 32 \kappa^2 - 72 \kappa^3 + 144 \kappa^4 = 0 & & 1 + 4 \kappa - 44 \kappa^2 - 96 \kappa^3 + 144 \kappa^4 = 0 \end{array}$$