Examples of simple non-parallelizable smooth manifolds


I'm looking for examples of simple non-parallelizable smooth manifolds and honestly just general insight into the concept of a manifold being parallelizable.

$S^2$ would be parallelizable, right? At each point on $S^2$, you can have two vectors meet orthogonally that are tangent to $S^2$, and would thus span the tangent space at that point.

It seems to me that if you have an $n$ dimensional smooth manifold, that if you can find $n$ linearly independent vector fields, (so that at each point on the manifold, $V_1(x),….,V_n(x)$ are linearly independent)$, Then your manifold would be parallelizable.

General insight and comments greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

$S^2$ is not parallelizable. This fact is famously known as the Hairy ball theorem.

On any coordinate patch $U$ with coordinates $(x^1, x^2, \dots, x^n)$, the vector fields $V_i = \frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}$ are linearly independent. But when you cover a manifold with multiple coordinate patches, there may not be a way to extend those vector fields to the entire manifold and keep them linearly independent (or nonzero).