Examples of in ZFC, rules of inference and logical axioms


I was reading an introduction of ZFC set theory I found:

Chaper 1 covers the idea of "formula" and "sentence" then stated the idea of formal deduction:

Formally, we define S ⊢ φ iff (= ”if and only if” =⇔) there is a formal
deduction of φ from S. That is, iff there is a finite sequence φ_1, . . . , φ_n of
formulas such that φ_n is φ, and for each i, either φ_i is in S, or φ_i is a logical
axiom, or φ_i follows from φ_1, . . . , φ_{i−1} by certain rules of inference.

Now I'm curious about what the "logical axiom" and "certain rules of inference" are or should/could be (in set theory). But some quick search I only found those that are either vague, far from ZFC or too complicated for me to grasp.

I did find this post, the question being

What are the "standard" inference rules for set theory?

which is close to my question, though I found the comments a bit confusing(and the post has no "answer").

Q: Originally, I want to ask for a list of logical axioms and rule of inference for set theory, and maybe an example of formal deduction using the rules of inference. But now also I want to ask about the first comment in that post and why is it related.

See First order logic : usual Hilbert-style axioms with Modus Ponens.

Any books or other sources are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In the comments, you clarified your question:

May you give an example of any (simple) deductive system for first order logic...

Well, you can open up literally any introductory logic textbook. An example of such a system (which is called a natural deduction system) is described on wikipedia here.

...to actually prove some theorem (sentence) in set theory based on the ZFC axioms?

In my answer here, I wrote out all the details of a natural deduction proof that the empty set is unique.