Example of a symbolic or a discrete dynamical system where $NW(f) \not\subset \overline{R(f)}$

dynamical systems

In this question there is an example of a continuous dynamical system with $NW(f) \not\subset \overline{R(f)}$. The definitions I am working with are exactly same as that question. I want to find a symbolic or a discrete dynamical system with the mentioned property. I would really appreciate a not-so-involved example, so that I can gain an intuition to distinguish non-wandering points from points in the closure of the set of all recurrent points.

Best Answer

One example is the orbit closure of ${}^\infty 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 \cdots 1 0^n 1 0^{n+1} 1 \cdots$ with respect to the shift map. The left tail is just repeating 0s, and on the right are 1s with increasing gaps. The only recurrent point is the all-0 configuration, but ${}^\infty 0 1 0^\infty$ is nonwandering.

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