Example of a space that is not a topological manifold.


Let $A,B$ be two points not in the real line.

Let $S=(\Bbb{R} \setminus \{0\}) \cup \{A,B\}$

We define a topology in S as follows:

$(\Bbb{R} \setminus \{0\})$, use the subspace topology inherited from $\Bbb{R}$, with open intervals as a basis. A basis
of neighborhoods at $A$ is the set $\{I_A(−c,d) | c,d > 0\}$ and similarly, a basis of neighborhoods at $B$ is the set $\{I_B(−c,d) | c,d > 0\}$, where $$I_A(−c,d)=(-c,0) \cup \{A\} \cup (0,d)$$ $$I_B(−c,d)=(-c,0) \cup \{B\} \cup (0,d)$$

I have to prove that this space is locally Euclideian,second countable but not Hausdorff.
Thus the space is not a topological manifold.

I have proven that this space is locally euclideian but not Hausdorff.

For second countability i'm not sure if my argument is correct.

Second countability is a hereditary property so $\Bbb{R} \setminus \{0\}$ is second countable as a subspace of the second countable real line.

Thus exists a countablle basis $C=\{B_n|n \in \Bbb{N}\}$ for $\Bbb{R} \setminus \{0\}$

Now we take the sets $$D_A=\{I_A(c,d)|c,d>0 \text{ and } c,d \in \Bbb{Q}\}$$ $$D_B=\{I_B(c,d)|c,d>0 \text{ and } c,d \in \Bbb{Q}\}$$

Now we take the countable union $$W=C \cup D_A \cup D_B$$.

Is $W$ a the correct basis to prove the statement for second countability??

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Looks good so far!

Another approach is to observe the space can be expressed as $S = X \cup Y$ where the subspaces $X$ and $Y$ are copies of the real line hence second countable. There should be a theorem somewhere that says the union of two second countable subspaces is itself second countable.