Example of a separated variety which is not quasi-projective


I am following Kempf's book on algebraic varieties. A variety there is defined to be a space with functions having a finite affine open cover.

Call a variety $X$ separated if its diagonal $$\mathrm{diag} (X)=\{ (x,x)\mid x\in X\}$$ is closed in $X\times X$. In Lemma 3.3.2, Kempf proves that quasi-projective varieties are separated. My question is: does there exist an example of a separated variety which is non-quasi-projective?

PS: This is my first time posting a question here. Please feel free to suggest ways to make it better.

Best Answer

Yes, there are many examples of proper (thus separated) varieties which are not projective and therefore not quasi-projective. Here's a list of some examples:

  • Hironaka's example.
  • Nagata's existence theorem for nonprojective complete varieties associates to every function field of dimension 2 or more a complete nonprojective variety (some conditions on the base field are necessary in dimension 2).
  • Hartshorne exercise II.7.13: Let $C=V(y^2z=x^3+x^2z)\subset\Bbb P^2_k$ be the nodal cubic for $k$ an algebraically closed field of characteristic not 2, which has smooth locus isomorphic to $\Bbb G_m$. Glue $C\times(\Bbb P^2\setminus \{0\})$ and $C\times(\Bbb P^2\setminus \{\infty\})$ along $C\times(\Bbb P^2\setminus \{0,\infty\})$ by the automorphism given by sending $(p,u)\mapsto (up,u)$. This has zero picard group and therefore cannot be projective.
  • Hartshorne exercise III.5.9 produces an infinitesimal extension of $\Bbb P^2_k$ over a field of characteristic zero which isn't projective.
  • Do complete nonprojective varieties arise "in nature"? on MO contains more discussion.
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