Ehresmann Connection – Do All Smooth Fiber Bundles Admit an Ehresmann Connection?


Is it true that every locally trivial fibration(fiber bundle) in smooth category admits an Ehresmann connection? The converse is obviously true, and it's one of the conclusion of the Ehresmann's theorem.

Suppose $(U_\alpha \subset M, \Phi_\alpha : \pi^{-1}(U_\alpha) \to U_\alpha \times F)$ be a trivialization of the fiber bundle $(E, \pi, M)$. Then, for each $U_\alpha$, we could give a natural connection(splitting) of $\mathrm{T} E|U_\alpha$ by
\mathrm{H} E|U_\alpha:= \{ \partial_t|_{t=0}\Phi^{-1}_\alpha(\gamma(t),x) \mid x \in M \}

However, there always be a gluing problem. Since transition map doesn't preserve the horizontal splitting, we couldn't construct the Ehresmann connection in this way.

So, here is the question. Are there a canonical way to construct an Ehresmann connection from smooth fibration? If we are dealing with vector bundle, then we could canonically gives a metric, and we could choose a compatible connection structure. So, it's done. However, if the fiber is an arbitrary manifold $F$, then what would be happen? Are there exists an obstruction?

Best Answer

Given a surjective submersion $\pi\colon E\to B$, you have the vertical subbundle $VE:=\ker T\pi\subset TE$. Now, if you pick a Riemannian metric $g$ on $E$, then $H:=(VE)^\perp$, the orthogonal complement of $VE$ with respect to $g$, will give you an Ehresmann connection on $E$

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