Every simplicial map is cellular.


A simplicial map is by definition a map $f:K\to L$ between simplicial complexes that sends each simplex of $K$ to a simplex of $L$ by a linear map taking vertices to vertices.

A cellular map is by definition a map $f:X\to Y$ between cellular complexes such that $f(X^n)\subset Y^n$ for all $n$, where $X^n$ is the $n$-th skeleton of $X$.

Is it true that every simplicial map is cellular? I think it seems true but I'm not sure.

Best Answer

Hint: by definition, a simplicial map $f : K \to L$, maps the vertices of an $i$-simplex $\sigma$ of $K$ onto a set of vertices in $L$ that span a $j$-simplex $\tau$ of $L$, where necessarily $j \le i$. So $f$ maps the $i$-skeleton of $K$ (which comprises the union of the $k$-simplices in $K$ with $k \le i$) into a union of $l$-simplices in $L$ with $l \le i$, which is contained in the $i$-skeleton of $L$ (which comprises the union of all the $l$-simplices in $L$ with $l \le i$).