Evaluate the line integral $\int_{L} \frac{-y \,d x+x \,d y}{x^{2}+y^{2}}$ for a line segment $L$

calculusintegrationline-integralsvector analysisVector Fields

Calculate the line integral
\int_{L} \frac{-y \,d x+x \,d y}{x^{2}+y^{2}}

where $L$ is the line segment from $(1,0)$ to $(0,1)$ parametrized by
L(t)=(1-t)(1,0)+t(0,1), \quad 0 \leq t \leq 1

I know I can calculate by normal parametrization, but the answer says it represents the argument changed; could someone please explain this?

The integral measures the change in argument along the curve $L$.
\int_{L} \frac{-y \,d x+x \,d y}{x^{2}+y^{2}}=\frac{\pi}{2}

And another question I have is that when I compute this integral using change of potential, I found the potential of this vector field to be $$-\arctan\frac{x}{y}+c ,$$ but that function is not defined at the endpoint $(1, 0)$ of $L$.

Best Answer

Consider the quarter arc: $\gamma:[0,\pi/2]\to \mathbf{R}^2$ with $$ \gamma(t) = (\cos(t),\sin(t)) $$ with the direction from $\gamma(0)$ to $\gamma(1)$. Then $\int_L Pdx+Qdy=\int_\gamma Pdx+Qdy$ by Green's theorem, where $$ P(x,y)=\frac{-y}{x^2+y^2},\quad Q(x,y)=\frac{x}{x^2+y^2}\;, $$ because the closed path $L-\gamma$ is contained in an open simply connected subset of $\mathbf{R}^2$ where the vector field is smooth and $P_y=Q_x$. By working on the line integral along $\gamma$, you can easily find the expected answer $\pi/2$ mentioned in your post: $$ \int_\gamma Pdx+Qdy=\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\bigg((-\sin(t))(-\sin(t))+\cos(t)\cos(t)\bigg)\;dt = \frac{\pi}{2}\;. $$

The vector field $(P,Q)$ does not have a potential function on the punctured plane $\mathbf{R}^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}$. So when you work on a potential function, you need to specify the (simply connected) domain of your vector field.