Evaluate $\oint_C \frac{z}{(z+1)(z+3)} dz$


I want to evaluate $\oint \frac{z}{(z+1)(z+3)} dz$ where $C$ is the rectangle with the edges $2\pm i$, $-2\pm i$.

My attempt:

I used partial fraction expansion to express $\frac{z}{(z+1)(z+3)} = -\frac{1}{2(z+1)} +\frac{3}{2(z+3)}$.

\oint_C \frac{z}{(z+1)(z+3)} dz = \oint_C \frac{3}{2(z+3)} dz – \oint_C \frac{1}{2(z+1)} dz

Since $-1$ is an interior point of the rectangle, it is easy to calculate this integral with Cauchy Integral Formula

– \oint_C \frac{1}{2(z+1)} dz = -2\pi i\cdot f(-1) = -\pi i

where $f(z)= 1/2$ constant.

I cannot do the same for the other integral, since $-3$ is not an interior point.

So I think I can express
C = \begin{cases}
C_1 = \{z:z=x-i, x\in[-2,2]\}\\
C_2 = \{z:z=2+iy, y\in [-1,1]\}\\
C_3 =\{z:z=x+i, x\in[2,-2]\} \\
C_4 = \{z:z=-2+iy, y\in[1,-1]\}

\frac{3}{2} \oint_C \frac{1}{(z+3)} dz = \frac{3}{2} (\log(x-i+3)|_{-2}^2+i\log(2+iy+3)|_{-1}^1 + \log(x+i+3)|_2^{-2} + i\log(-2+iy+3)|_1^{-1})

But I can't really simplify this. Does anyone know how to proceed?

Best Answer

Since $-3$ is not an interior point (as you wrote), the integral is $0$, by the Cauchy integral theorem.

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