Evaluate $\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{\left( \cosh x \right) ^{\sin x}-1}{\sinh x\cos \left( \sin \left( x \right) -1 \right)}$

calculusderivativeslimitstaylor expansion

Evaluate the limit
\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{\left( \cosh x \right) ^{\sin x}-1}{\sinh x(\cos \left( \sin \left( x \right) \right)-1)}

My Attempt: I tried to use L'Hôpital's rule to evalute it, however I found that the $1$st and $2$nd derivative of the numerator is $0$ at $x=0$, and the $3$rd derivative is very complicated. And the method of Taylor's Series is too complicated here. So, my question is, is there any easier way to evaluate this limit?

The desired answer is $-1$.

Best Answer

The first and second derivatives of both numerator and denominator are zero. The third derivative of the numerator at $x=0$ is $3.$ The third derivative of the denominator at $x=0$ is $-3.$

The limit is $-1.$