Evaluate $\lim_{{n}\to\infty}{\sum_{{k}\leq{n}}{\left\lvert\frac{\sin{k}}{\ln{n^k}}\right\rvert}}$


Show that $$\sum_{k=1}^n{\mspace{-2mu}\frac{\left\lvert\sin{k}\right\rvert}{k}}\sim\frac{2}{\pi}\mspace{-1.5mu}\sum_{k=1}^n{\mspace{-2mu}\frac{1}{\mspace{-1mu}k}}$$ as $n\to\infty$.

Alternatively, since $\displaystyle\frac{1}{\ln{x}}\mspace{-1.5mu}\int_0^x{\mspace{-2mu}\frac{\left\lvert\sin{t}\right\rvert}{t}\operatorname{d}\!t}$ converges to $\dfrac{2}{\pi}$ as $x\to{+\infty}$ and $\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}{\frac{{\it{H}}_n}{\ln{n}}}=1$, how can we prove that $$\sum_{{1}\leq{n}\leq{\left\lfloor{x}\right\rfloor}}{\mspace{-2mu}\frac{\left\lvert\sin{n}\right\rvert}{n}}\sim\int_0^x{\mspace{-2mu}\frac{\left\lvert\sin{t}\right\rvert}{t}\operatorname*{d}\!t}$$ as $x\to{+\infty}$?

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Best Answer

If we compute the integrals over multiples of $\pi$, the result is $$I_k=\int_{2 \pi k}^{2 \pi (k+1)} \frac{| \sin (t)| }{t} \, dt=2\, \text{Si}(2(k+1) )-\text{Si}(2 k \pi )-\text{Si}(2 (k+1) \pi )$$

Using the asymptotics of the trigonometric integrals, $$I_k=\frac{2}{\pi k}-\frac{1}{\pi k^2}+\frac{3 \pi ^2-4}{4 \pi ^3 k^3}+\frac{12-5 \pi ^2}{8 \pi ^3 k^4}+\frac{48-36 \pi ^2+9 \pi ^4}{16 \pi ^5 k^5}+O\left(\frac{1}{k^6}\right)$$ The summation followed by the expansion of the generated generalized harmonic numbers gives

$$\sum_{k=1}^n I_k=C+\frac{2 }{\pi }\log (n)+\frac{2}{\pi n}-\frac{25 \pi ^2-12}{24 \pi ^3 n^2}+O\left(\frac{1}{n^3}\right)$$ where, for this level of expansion, $C \sim \frac 1 {20}$.

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