Evaluate $\int\frac{x^ndx}{\sqrt{ax^2+bx+c}}$ for natural $n$

hypergeometric functionindefinite-integralsintegrationspecial functions

How do we evaluate the following integral?
I am strictly looking for a solution for natural $n$

I wanted to try a trig substitution
but I didn't know how to deal with the $(\tan\theta+k)^n$

I can accept an answer with special functions.

Best Answer

Here's how an electrician tries to solve this problem

First, we introduce the following notation


Then we can present the integral in the form


Now, let's differentiate $x^{n-1}\sqrt{X}$ with respect to $x$

$$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} x}(x^{n-1}\sqrt{X})=an\frac{x^n}{\sqrt{X}}+b(n-\frac{1}{2})\frac{x^{n-1}}{\sqrt{X}}+c(n-1)\frac{x^{n-2}}{\sqrt{X}}$$

Here we took into account that $X=ax^2+bx+c$

Integrating the resulting equation with respect to x we can write


Set here $n=1$ $$\sqrt{X}=aI_1+\frac{b}{2}I_0$$

We're almost done.

The only thing left is to calculate


After that we can calculate the integrals $I_1,I_2...$ successively using the recurrence equation.

Further development

Let's introduce a generating function


Now, multiply both sides of the recurrence relation above by $s^n$ and sum over $n\geqslant 1$.

(I'll skip the long but simple algebraic transformations)

We get the following differential equation $$(cs^2+bs+a)\frac{\mathrm{d} I}{\mathrm{d} s}+(cs+\frac{b}{2})I=\frac{\sqrt{X}}{1-xs}$$

Let's remember that $X=ax^2+bx+c$

All the family of the given integral $I_n$ is hidden in this differential equation.

But how to drag them all out, that's the problem!

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