Evaluate $\int\frac{x^2}{(3+4x-4x^2)^{3/2}}dx$


I am not getting the right answer with alternate completing the square method for the integral

I've looked up how to do this problem and when they complete the square it's using the $(\frac{-b}{a})^2$ method where, in the denominator, they factor out the $4$, and then make:

$$x^2-x=x^2-x+{1\over4}$$ and then(


which I understand, but is not the first option that popped into my head.

What I don't understand is why all the tutorials I've looked up are not completing the square in the traditional method. Here's my work: denominator:


So the integral is now:


So I do the rest of the work by using trig substitution now:



Now I subbed in the trig identities:


$du=2\cos\theta d\theta$











$$\frac{1}{4}\int \tan^2\theta d\theta+\frac{1}{4}\int\frac{\sin\theta}{\cos^2\theta}d\theta+\int\frac{1}{16\cos^2\theta}d\theta$$

For the second integral, I subbed $u=\cos\theta$ and $-du=\sin\theta d\theta$

$$\frac{1}{4}\int \sec^2\theta-1d\theta-\frac{1}{4}\int\frac{du}{u^2}+\frac{1}{16}\int \sec^2\theta d\theta$$


On a right triangle where $\sin\theta=\frac{2x-1}{2}$ and $\cos\theta=\frac{\sqrt{4-(2x-1)^2}}{2}$, I subbed these values back in to make the integral in terms of $x$:


This does not seem to be the right answer when I compare it to a calculator answer, so I'm guessing I either completed the square wrong or made an algebraic mistake? I've done this problem three or four times now and am getting a little frustrated over what I'm guessing is a easy fix. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

Best Answer

Except some minor mistakes, your solution is correct but you led to wrong answer.

Mistake 1

In the first integral after substituting $u=\sin \theta$ you used $dx=du$ while $dx={1\over 2}du$.

Mistake 2

From $2$nd to $3$rd integral, you used $|\cos \theta|=\cos \theta$ while you should have dealt with $|\cos \theta|$ till the result.

Fixing up

Fixing these two mistakes, the final integral to be solved would become$$\int\frac{\sin^2\theta}{8\cos\theta|\cos\theta|}d\theta+\int\frac{\sin\theta}{8\cos\theta|\cos\theta|}d\theta+\int\frac{1}{32\cos\theta|\cos\theta|}d\theta\\={4+5\sin\theta-4\theta\cos\theta\over 32|\cos\theta|}+C$$