Evaluate contour integral


I have a homework problem to evaluate the integral
\oint_{\gamma}\frac{\cos z}{(z+i)^3}dz

along the curve $\gamma(t)=-i+e^{it}, t\in[0,2\pi]$. I proceeded to plug the given information into the definition of a contour integral and got to the expression

which seems hardly helpful. I don't know how to evaluate this or manipulate it any further and I suppose there is some trick earlier on to make the integration more manageable. I just can't figure it out so I'd be grateful for any help.

Best Answer

With rediue theorem $$\oint_{\gamma}\frac{\cos z}{(z+i)^3}dz=\dfrac{2\pi i}{2!}\lim_{z\to-i}\dfrac{d^2}{dz^2}\cos z=-\dfrac{2\pi i}{2!}\cos i=\color{blue}{-\dfrac{\pi i}{2}\left(e+\dfrac1e\right)}$$

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