Euler Path and circuit

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theory

Is there a formal way to find all Euler paths in the graph. For example consider this graph:

enter image description here

This graph has $9$ edges and $6$ vertices.
By the definition a Eulerian path should not have repeated edge.
I tried different possibilities as:

$ABCFEDAF$, $ADCBEFC$, etc but none of them making euler path.

Best Answer

Euler path is only possible if $0$ or $2$ nodes have odd degree, all other nodes need to have even degree - so that you can enter the node and exit the node on different edges (except the start and end point).

Your graph has $6$ nodes all of odd degree, that's why you can't find any Euler path.

In general if there exists Euler paths you can get all of them using Backtracking. Counting them really depends on the Graph itself.