Euler class as obstruction to have a never vanishing cross section


We know that (see Hatcher's vector bundles and K-theory Prop. 3.22) the Euler class of an orientable vector bundle or rank $r$, $E\to M$ is the first obstruction to the existence of a never vanishing section of $E$ and thus belongs to $H^r(M,\mathbb{Z})$ .

It follows that if we consider $E= TM$ the tangent bundle $r=\dim (M) =: n$ and thus the Euler class $e(TM)$ is non just the first obstruction but all the obstruction.

Consequently if $e(TM)=0$ there exists a non vanishing section of $TM$

This seems a bit strong as would imply that the Euler characteristic is zero iif we have a never vanishing vector field.

Is my argument correct?

Best Answer

(part of comment above converted to answer)

Note that the Euler class is only defined in the case of an oriented bundle, so you are assuming your manifold to have an orientation. In that case, your argument is correct. As you noted, the Euler class is the one and only obstruction to finding a section of the sphere bundle of the tangent bundle, i.e. a nowhere-zero vector field on the manifold.

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