Estimating $\int_0^1 a^x\ \frac{x(1-x)}{\sin(\pi x)} dx$

calculusdefinite integralsimproper-integralsintegrationreal-analysis

I doubt a closed form exists, so I am trying to approximate the integral:
$$I(a)=\int_0^1 a^x\ \frac{x(1-x)}{\sin(\pi x)} dx$$
I am therefore looking for a function $F(a)$ that provides
$$F(a)\simeq I(a)$$ But I want this to be true for every value of $a>0$, and so something like a truncated Taylor series of $I$ would be useless, since for large $a$ it would require adding more and more terms.

Up to this day I found only two promising approximations of $I(a)$:


Using the inequality (which is a quite good approximation for small values of $x,y$)
$$\frac{x-y}{\log x-\log y}<\left(\frac{x^{\frac13}+y^{\frac23}}{2} \right)^3 $$
I got


with a percentage error of roughly $1\%$ for small $a$, growing larger as $a$ grows.


Using the famous ancient approximation for $\sin x$:
$$\sin x \simeq \frac{16(\pi-x)x}{5\pi^2-4(\pi-x)x}$$
I got

$$F_2(a)=\frac{a-1}{2\log^3a}-\frac{a+1}{4\log^2a}+\frac{5(a-1)}{16\log a}$$

and this one is tremendously precise, even for very large values of $a$.

However, I am still on the lookout for other, even better, approximations for $I$. These two are the only ones I was able to get. Regarding the first one, I tried even sharper bounds known for the logarithmic mean, but then I wasn't able to integrate. The generalized mean of exponent $\frac13$ was the best I could get. I like the result because it features only polynomials, no exponentials or logarithms and trig functions. But, since the two means start to differ very fast past around $10$, the result is good only for small values of $a$.

If someone has an idea to get another approximation I'd be happy to hear it.

Best Answer

The OP asked a quick question about this question where @user170231 answered expanding a special case of @Mariusz Iwaniuk’s hypergeometric function. If we expand the general case, then the polygamma function appears:

$$\,_4\text F_3\left(2,b,b,b;b+1,b+1,b+1,b+1;1\right)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{(2)_n(b)_n^3}{(b+1)_n^3n!}=b^3\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{n+1}{(n+b)^3}=\frac{b^3}2\left(2\psi^{(1)}(b)+(b-1)\psi^{(2)}(b)\right)$$


$$\boxed{\int_0^1 a^xx(1-x)\csc(\pi x)dx=\frac{i(a-1)}{2\pi^2}\psi^{(1)}\left(\frac{i\ln(a)}{2\pi}+\frac12\right)-\frac{(a+1)}{4\pi^3}\psi^{(2)}\left(\frac{i\ln(a)}{2\pi}+\frac12\right)}$$

shown here:

enter image description here