Essence of Weierstrass approximation theorem.


Weierstrass approximation theorem is a quite strong theorem,even stronger than the Taylor's theorem because:

Statement:Suppose $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ is a continuous function then $\exists$ a sequence of polynomials $\{P_n\}$ converging uniformly to $f$.

1.It is an approximation supported by uniform convergence.

2.It can approximate any continuous function not necessarily differentiable/smooth one.

So,I want to understand its essence properly.In most of the books like Kumaresan and Rudin,a very mechanical proof is given;the proof obviously will not occur in mind naturally(unless he is a genius).Is there any proof that will come in mind naturally and quite intuitive and brings out the essence of that theorem?[Please note that I do not know Riemann Integrals,so the proof should not involve these things.]
Also I want to understand why the domain set must be a compact interval in $\mathbb R$,i.e of the form $[a,b]$.Why is the assumption essential?Give me an example where we cannot approximate a function because domain is not compact.

Best Answer

No bounded continuous function from $\mathbb R$ into itself (other than a constant) can be approximated uniformly on $\mathbb R$ by polynomials. This is because any non-constant polynomial $p$ has the property $|p(x)| \to \infty$ as $x \to \infty$. In particular $\sin\, x$ can be approximated by polynomials uniformly on any interval of the type $[-N,N]$ but not on the whole real line.