Equivariant bilinear form on irreducible representation must be symmetric or skew-symmetric

bilinear-formcharacterslinear algebrarepresentation-theory

Let $V$ be an irreducible complex representation of a finite group $G$ with character $\chi$. Then the dual $V^*$ is also a $G$-representation via $(g\cdot \ell)(v) = \ell(g^{-1}v)$, and its character can be easily computed as $\overline{\chi}$. From here we easily get that since $V$ is irreducible, so is $V^*$ (by computing the inner product).

Assume $\beta: V\times V\to \mathbb{C}$ is a nonzero equivariant bilinear form, where equivariant means $\beta(gx,gy)=\beta(x,y)$ for any $g\in G, x,y\in V$. This can be interpreted as a map $\varphi: V\to V^*$ sending $v\mapsto \beta(v,-)$, and in fact $\varphi$ is a map of $G$-representations. Hence by Schur's Lemma it is an isomorphism and so $V\cong V^*$ as $G$-representations. Comparing characters this implies $\chi$ is real-valued.

My goal is to prove that this implies that either $\beta$ is symmetric or skew-symmetric; i.e. $\beta(x,y)=\beta(y,x)$ for all $x,y\in V$; or $\beta(x,y)=-\beta(y,x)$ for all $x,y\in V$. Would anyone have insights on how to prove this? Thank you!

Best Answer

$V^*\otimes V^*$ decomposes as a representation of $G$ into the direct sum of $\Lambda^2(V^*)$ and $Sym^2(V^*)$, so since you have at most one copy of the trivial representation in $V^*\otimes V^*$, it must live in one of these pieces, which correspond to alternating or symmetric forms respectively.

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