Equivalent statement of $2^\text{nd}$ Sylow Theorem in the proof: a normal $p$-subgroup contained in all Sylow $p$-subgroups.


I stumbled upon this nice and neat proof about how a normal $p$-subgroup contained in all Sylow $p$-subgroups.


But in the step where second Sylow theorem is recalled, the proof states the second Sylow theorem as:

Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup of the finite group $G$.

Let $Q$ be any $p$-subgroup of $G$.

Then $Q$ is a subset of a conjugate of $P$.

But Wiki as most literature states this as: All Sylow $p$ subgroups are conjugate to each other. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylow_theorems.

How this two statements of second Sylow theorem are equal?

Best Answer

Assume the alternative statement of the second theorem. If $Q$ is large enough to be a Sylow subgroup, then assuming it's contained in a conjugate of $P$ means (since they have the same size) that it must be a conjugate of $P$.

Conversely, if all Sylow $p$-subgroups are conjugate to one another and $Q$ is a $p$-subgroup (not necessarily Sylow), then $Q$ is contained in some Sylow subgroup and that Sylow subgroup is conjugate to $P$, so $Q$ is contained in a conjugate of $P$.

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